WCMC provides information services on the conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.

        Training in Biodiversity Information Management

        The development of a training programme at WCMC has come about in response to three interrelated factors:

        • international initiatives such as Agenda 21 the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Biodiversity Strategy, which identify capacity building as essential to improved management of biodiversity
        • a qualified staff at WCMC with the ability to deliver training programmes in biodiversity information management.
        • demand from WCMC's clients and collaborators

        The programme has three guiding principles which help to identify the role WCMC will play, these are:

        • management and delivery of integrated biodiversity information
        • support for decision makers in achieving sustainable development
        • assistance to others in developing their own networks and information management systems.

        As this is a new area of activity, a set of criteria have been developed to help assess the degree to which WCMC should become involved in specific training activities. These criteria cover business aspects (such as whether resources are available); information aspects (such as whether the project will significantly affect the availability of information), and support for capacity building. Based on these guiding principles and criteria, a programme of activities is being planned under a number of thematic areas:

        Training courses and workshops

        • 1-2 week courses on biodiversity information management at WCMC - for both national level information managers and staff of international organisations
        • 1 week in-country courses and workshops on biodiversity data management
        • post-graduate training courses, particularly those serving mid-career professionals

        Development of curriculum materials

        • completion of materials for biodiversity data management induction course
        • development of workshop materials for in-country use

        Development of data management tools

        • preparation of software to support training initiatives
        • pilot testing of software

        Visits and work/study attachments

        • undergraduate attachments to the Centre
        • one-day visits to the Centre by educational institutions and conservation organisations
        • postgraduate attachments to the Centre's thematic programmes
        • professional attachments to the Centre

        While funding has been secured for a number of the activities listed, a full programme proposal is currently being developed. During the initial phase of the programme, activities will be carefully assessed and and this assessment used to develop the programme in the future. This phase will also be important in identifying and forging appropriate partnerships, and in establishing further project activities.

        For further information please write to:
        Head of Capacity Building, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1223 277314; Fax: +44 1223 277136.
        General e-mail: info@wcmc.org.uk
        Document URL: http:// www.wcmc.org.uk /capacity_building/is_train.htm
        Revision date: 30-July-1999
        Current date: 21-January-2000
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