The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.


        The 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals

        The IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution information on species that have been evaluated using the IUCN Red List categories. This system is designed to determine relative risk of extinction, and the main purpose of the Red List is to catalogue the species that are regarded as threatened at global level, i.e. at risk of overall extinction. IUCN Red List book cover
        The 1996 Red List also includes information on species that are categorised as Extinct or Extinct in the Wild; on the species that cannot be assessed because of insufficient data; and on certain species in the Lower Risk category.

        The list of threatened animals is maintained in a searchable database by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

        Most of the category assessments have been made by the IUCN Species Survival Commission, primarily by members of the Specialist Groups; all birds have been covered by BirdLife International and reflect the contents of Birds to Watch 2 (Collar et al. 1994); other assessments and much taxonomic and distribution information has been provided by WCMC. Assessments of many species in the USA were based on data supplied by The Nature Conservancy.

        For further information please write to:
        Information Office,
        World Conservation Monitoring Centre,
        219 Huntingdon Road,
        Cambridge CB3 0DL,
        United Kingdom.
        Tel: +44 1223 277314;
        Fax: +44 1223 277136.
        Document URL: http:// /species/animals/index.html
        Revision date: 7-January-2000
        Current date: 21-January-2000

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