The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.


        Emergency Response Service

        During "environmental emergencies", such as major fires or oil spills, WCMC is able to provide relevant environmental information rapidly to support the activities of those responsible for coping with the problems that arise. The following are examples of incidents in which we were able to provide assistance. Current incidents are also reported on our Late News pages. You will find up-to-date information on oil spills on the ITOPF's web site.

        Protected Areas of the Balkan's and Kosovo (posted 11 June 1999)

        See our Late News page.

        River Plata Oil Spill (posted 20 January 1999)

        Protected Areas
        Species of concern

        Flooding in Eastern Siberia (posted 19 June 1998)

        Recent abnormal weather conditions have resulted in severe flooding of the Lena River in eastern Siberia. This has resulted in great human suffering and has put the precarious local economy under still greater stress.

      1. Further information

        Oil Spill in Singapore Straits (posted 18 October 1997)

        The collision betwen the Evoikos and the Orapin Global has produced an oil spill of 25,000 tonnes, covering a total area of 5 by 7 miles.

      2. Details of the collision
      3. Natural resources under threat
      4. Threatened species in the area
      5. General map of the area
      6. Close up map of the collision site

        Fires in Southeast Asia (posted 10 October 1997)

        The following material has been compiled at the request of the United Nations Environment Programme in order to highlight the potential impacts of the fires in Southeast Asia on the biodiversity of the region.

        This site will be updated as new information becomes available.

        Although the fires stretch from New Guinea to Malaysia, the majority are concentrated in South Sumatra and Borneo, and the following descriptions accordingly relate primarily to this region.

      7. Locations of Fires
      8. Natural Ecosystems
      9. Biodiversity
      10. Protected Areas
      11. Published Material
      12. Other Internet Sites
      13. Maps

        Oil Spill at Islas de Lobos (Arroyo Maldonado and Laguna del Sauce) (posted at 18 February 1997)

        On the 5 February 1997 the Panamanian tanker San George came aground on the Islas de Lobos, an important fur seal and sea lion colony site. The tanker released 5000 tonnes of oil, 100 tonnes of which are thought to have effected the Islas de Lobos directly having permeated its many sheltered coves.

        Map of the area
        Information on the wildlife of the area

        Oil Spill at Nakhodka (posted at 17 January 1997)

        Map of the area

        Impact of Hurricane Lili in Cuba (posted 7 November 1996)

        Text on the likely environmental impact of Hurrican Lili on Cuba, one of the top 25 most endemic-rich countries in the world.

        Oil Spill at Milford Haven (22 February 1996)

        Map of the area
        Sites on the Coast of Dyfed and South West Glamorgan
        Who to contact for further information
        WWF Press Information
        Sites and Species Under Threat
        Report by the Countryside Council for Wales
        Pembroke Coast National Park
        An Environmental Appraisal of Milford Haven

        Gunung Lorentz - Indonesian Hostage Crisis (11 January 1996)

        Below is information on the site at Gunung Lorentz in Indonesia where members of an expedition have been taken hostage. For more details on the situation please contact the UK Foreign Office News Desk on Telephone +44 171 270 3100.
        Information on Gunung Lorentz
        Location map
        Map of nature reserve

        Russian Gas Pipeline Explosion and Fire, Ukhta (27 April 1995)

        Map of rivers and forests A gas pipeline carrying natural gas from the arctic region exploded causing local fires at about 2 am on 27 April 1995. The fires are reported to be have been extinguished 2 hours later. The area is 300 miles to the south of the Usinsk area where there was a large oil spill last year.

        Russian Arctic Oil Pipeline Spill (November 1994)

        Map of rivers and protected areas
        Map of forests
        Reports from the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs from October and November 1994.

        Extract from IUCN publication: Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Arctic and Subarctic Onshore Regions

        Fire on the Galapagos Islands (1994)

        Information on the Giant Tortoises

        Gulf of Oman Tanker Collision (March 1994)

        General Map (image map)
        Distribution map of Chelonia mydas (Turtle)
        Distribution map of Eretmochelys imbricata (Turtle)

        Maersk Navigator Incident (June 1993)


        For further information please write to:
        Information Office,
        World Conservation Monitoring Centre,
        219 Huntingdon Road,
        Cambridge CB3 0DL,
        United Kingdom.
        Tel: +44 1223 277314;
        Fax: +44 1223 277136.
        Document URL: http:// /emergency/index.html
        Revision date: 5-November-1999
        Current date: 21-January-2000

        Home Comments © WCMC