Convention on Biological Diversity
Implementation Measures Pilot Project

This webpage has been established to support the CBD Implementation Measures Pilot Project launched at the fourth meeting of SBSTTA (Montreal, 21-25 June 1999).

The project:

The aim of the project is to develop and test a mechanism for preliminary systematic assessment of the implementation of the Convention that will:

The pilot project is being carried out by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, working in close collaboration with the CBD Secretariat and eight Contracting Parties (Canada, Ecuador, Indonesia, Malawi, Norway, Seychelles, Slovenia and the United Kingdom).

Project documents:

The following project documents are currently available. We would welcome comments on any of these documents, but at this stage in the project, comments on the summary of national commitments and the examples of possible measures would be particularly welcome.

Project description and planning document
(Version 1.1 - 18 June 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Mechanisms for implementation: Establishment of guidelines for the second national reports, Note by the Executive Secretary, UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/5/14
(12 October 1999)

PDF file

Measures of achievement - as submitted to SBSTTA by the Executive Secretary
(Version 3.1 - 12 October 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Comments on the trial of the Measures of Achievement
(Version 2.1 - 12 October 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Measures of achievement
(Version 2.0 - 10 August 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Summary of national commitments implied by the Articles of the Convention and the Decisions of the Conference of the Parties
(Version 1.0 - 14 June 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Summary of the review of national implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity carried out by the Government of the United Kingdom
(Version 1.2 - 23 June 1999)

PDF file

Word 6.0 file

Support for the project:

In addition to the time put into the project by the Contracting Parties who are actively participating, support for the pilot project is being provided by the governments of Canada, Finland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

For further information, or to provide comment or other input, please contact:

Jeremy Harrison
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1223 277314
Fax: +44 1223 277136


Document URL:
Revision date: 23-June-1999
Current date: 23-June-1999