The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.


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        The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), Cambridge, UK is providing strategic information to the UNEP/UNCHS Balkans Task Force (BTF), established by the UN to assess the environmental impact of the conflict. The Centre is using its own databases and additional data sources in the region to help the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), build an online environmental intelligence and digital mapping service. This is to be used in the field by the Task Force, aid agencies, NGOs and other UNEP partners.

        WCMC has already created an Emergency Response Service for the international oil industry to enable internet-based access for oil spill response teams and contingency planning. This generic service can be tailored for other purposes and WCMC aims to install a similar service accessible to all parties involved in the rebuilding of the Balkans region.

        WCMC is unique in providing a global overview of the status of ecosystems, species and protected areas. Its international role in providing reliable, online information in response to emergencies such as the Balkans conflict has been formally recognised by the UN.

        UNEP has announced that it will co-operate with the UK government and IUCN - The World Conservation Union to raise the Centre to the status of a UNEP world biodiversity information and assessment centre.


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        Further information: World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL. Tel: 01223 277314. Fax: 01223 277136.

        Press information: Rachel Holdsworth/Emma Stevens, Kartupelis Associates, St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS. Tel: 01223 421145. Fax: 01223 421148. e-mail:


        A briefing is to be held on 28 June 1999 at WCMC, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. There will be an opportunity to see live demonstrations throughout the morning and have one-to-one briefings with WCMC staff.

        The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own. It is jointly funded by the UN, IUCN and WWF.

        By becoming the UNEP world biodiversity information and assessment centre, WCMC will enhance its international status, be better placed to collate and disseminate biodiversity information to the global community, and will find it easier to attract and employ staff and students from all parts of the world.

        Further information and third party comments:

        1. A press pack will be distributed shortly and pictures and text will also be available on the WCMC website.

        2. Information about the Balkans Task Force (BTF) contact: Mr. Henrik Slotte, Head of the BTF Office (for the Chairman Mr. Pekka Haavisto); Geneva. Tel. 0041 22 917-8616, (or

        3. Other contacts that can provide useful perspectives include:

        3.1 Industry viewpoint - Strategic importance of environmental data to the petroleum industry. Contact: Jonathan Grant, Technical Adviser to IPIECA (International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association).

        Tel. +44 171 221 2026.

        WCMC has developed, in partnership with IPIECA, an internet-based emergency response service. This strategic and tactical decision support tool displays data as maps for example it is possible to overlay protected areas and threatened species onto geographic information such as shorelines and transport routes. Information specific to the oil industry is also included.

        The service, available 24 hours, is to be used for emergency response to oil spills, contingency planning, risk analysis and strategic planning in, for example environmental impact studies for pipeline routing.

        3.2 Conservation viewpoint - Pollution in the Danube as a result of war in Yugoslavia. Contact: Philip Weller, Director of WWF Danube/Carpathian Programme Office, Vienna. Tel. +43 1 488 17 253


        11.00, Monday 28 June
        World Conservation Monitoring Centre
        Huntingdon Road, Cambridge

        11.00 onwards Demonstration of the Emergency Response Service and discussion of its strategic importance to all agencies involved in environmental crisis.

        • Mark Collins, chief executive WCMC will draw parallels from previous experience of environmental emergencies such as conflicts, fires and oil spills to demonstrate how the online Emergency Response Service can provide essential environmental data to government, non-government organisations and the private sector.
        • Kent Cassels, who has been supporting the Balkans Task Force, will describe the information requirements of the planned environmental assessment mission and the role of WCMC in capacity building.

        12.30 WCMC new role in the UN - Mark Collins, Chief Executive of WCMC and Anthony Fagin, UNEP.

        13.00 (transfer available to University of Cambridge Press Conference at Dept of Zoology, also attended by Mark Collins, WCMC)

        13.30 Sir David Attenborough to announce Prince Philip Professorship for the Conservation of Nature (embargoed 00.05 28 June 1999)


        By rail

        d. Kings Cross a. Cambridge

        10.15 11.06

        10.45 11.34

        10.51 11.57

        d. Liverpool Street a. Cambridge

        09.48 11.11

        10.18 11.30

        10.48 12.10

        By road

        From South take M11 to Cambridge. Exit Junction 13 follow A1303 into Cambridge. After Churchill College turn left into Storey's Way, at T-junction, left into Huntingdon Road. WCMC is just before the Travellers Rest pub. Ample parking.

        From North take A14 to Cambridge, follow directions to city centre. This is the Huntingdon Road turn right just after Travellers Rest pub.

        For further information please write to:
        Information Officer, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DL United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1223 277314, Fax: (44) 1223 277136 OR
        General e-mail:
        Document URL: http:// /latenews/balkans.htm
        Revision date: 30-June-1999
        Current date: 21-January-2000
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