Copyright notice of Snapdragon home page

All texts and pictures in this Antirrhinum home page and the documents linked locally to it are subject to copyright. The copyright of the pictures belongs to the author's institutes (mostly the Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung in Cologne and the Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung in Gatersleben but also other institutes for externally provided data) and the respective authors. The pictures may be used for educational purposes, they may be incorporated into other documents in the WWW, provided the source (i.e. author and Max-Planck-Institute für Züchtungsforschung, Cologne) is given, but they may not be sold or incorporated as part of commercially sold packages, software, documents or any other data.
Those interested in certain pictures for their own publications should contact the respective authors.
This page is part of the Snapdragon Home Page.
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This page has last been modified on August 14, 1997.