F1-ATPase, with various occupancy of nucleotide binding sites

1BMF Deposited: 03/13/1996  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: 2.85 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Atp Phosphorylase
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase; Chain: A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Synonym: F1-Atpase; Ec:
1COW Deposited: 05/08/1996  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: 3.10 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Hydrogen Ion Transport
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase; Chain: A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Ec:
1EFR Deposited: 05/24/1996  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: 3.10 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Complex (Ion Transport/Inhibitor)
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase; Chain: A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Synonym: F1-Atpase; Ec:
Mol_Id: 2; Molecule: Efrapeptin; Chain: Q; Engineered: Yes
1MAB Deposited: 08/06/1998  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: 2.80 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Atp Synthase
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: F1-Atpase; Chain: A, B, G
1NBM Deposited: 04/30/1998  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: 3.00 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Atp Synthase
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: F1-Atpase; Chain: A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Synonym: Bovine Mithochondrial F1-Atpase; Ec:; Biological_Unit: Oligomer Of 3 alpha, 3 beta, 1 gamma, 1 delta and 1 epsilon Subunits
1SKY Deposited: 02/26/1997  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction  Resolution: -1.00 Å { EXPLORE }
Classification Atp Synthase
Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: F1-Atpase; Chain: B, E; Synonym: F1-Atp Synthase; Ec:; Engineered: Yes

ATP-synthase subunits

1A91: [3DB Atlas] Retrieve [header only] [complete with coordinates]
1A91 Membrane Protein date Apr 15, 1998
title Subunit C Of The F1fo Atp Synthase Of Escherichia Coli; Nmr, 10 Structures
authors M.E.Girvin, V.K.Rastogi, F.Abildgaard, J.L.Markley, R.H.Fillingame
compound source
Molecule: F1fo Atpase Subunit C
Organism_scientific: Escherichia Coli
Cellular_location: Membrane
Plasmid: Pcp035
Gene: Unce
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
methodNMR, 10 Structures
note is a representative structure

1ABV: [3DB Atlas] Retrieve [header only] [complete with coordinates]
1ABV Atp Synthesis date Jan 29, 1997
title N-Terminal Domain Of The Delta Subunit Of The F1f0-Atp Synthase From Escherichia Coli, Nmr, Minimized Average Structure
authors S.Wilkens, S.D.Dunn, J.Chandler, F.W.Dahlquist, R.A.Capaldi
compound source
Molecule: Delta Subunit Of The F1f0-Atp Synthase
Organism_scientific: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system_vector_type: Plasmid
Expression_system_plasmid: Pjc1
Expression_system_gene: Unch
methodNMR, Minimized Average Structure
note is a representative structure

1AQT: [3DB Atlas] Retrieve [header only] [complete with coordinates]
1AQT Hydrolase date Jul 31, 1997
title Epsilon Subunit Of F1f0-Atp Synthase From Escherichia Coli
authors U.Uhlin, G.B.Cox, J.M.Guss
compound source
Molecule: Atp Synthase
Mutation: A1g, M2s
Organism_scientific: Escherichia Coli
Plasmid: Pan590
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system_vector: Pgex-2t
Expression_system_plasmid: Pan590
Expression_system_gene: Uncc
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution 2.3 Å
note is a representative structure

1BSH: [3DB Atlas] Retrieve [header only] [complete with coordinates]
1BSH Atpsynthase date Aug 27, 1998
title Solution Structure Of The Epsilon Subunit Of The F1-Atpsynthase From Escherichia Coli And Orientation Of The Subunit Relative To The Beta Subunits Of The Complex
authors S.Wilkens, R.A.Capaldi
compound source
Molecule: Epsilon Subunit
Ec: Coli
Organism_scientific: Escherichia Coli
Plasmid: Pes2
Gene: Uncc
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system_vector_type: Plasmid
Expression_system_plasmid: Pes2
Expression_system_gene: Uncc
methodNMR, Minimized Average Structure
note LAYER 1: A layer 1 entry has been approved by the depositor after review of validation diagnostics. It will be replaced by a layer 2 entry (corresponding to a traditional PDB entry) after standardization by PDB staff with review by the depositor. Layer 1 and 2 entries should be equivalent for most purposes. See Layered Release.

1BSN: [3DB Atlas] Retrieve [header only] [complete with coordinates]
1BSN Atpsynthase date Aug 28, 1998
title Solution Structure Of The Epsilon Subunit Of The F1-Atpsynthase From Escherichia Coli And Orientation Of The Subunit Relative To The Beta Subunits Of The Complex
authors S.Wilkens, R.A.Capaldi
compound source
Molecule: Epsilon Subunit
Ec: Coli
Organism_scientific: Escherichia Coli
Plasmid: Pes2
Gene: Uncc
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system_vector_type: Plasmid
Expression_system_plasmid: Pes2
Expression_system_gene: Uncc
methodNMR, Minimized Average Structure
note LAYER 1: A layer 1 entry has been approved by the depositor after review of validation diagnostics. It will be replaced by a layer 2 entry (corresponding to a traditional PDB entry) after standardization by PDB staff with review by the depositor. Layer 1 and 2 entries should be equivalent for most purposes. See Layered Release.