Latz Laboratory Facilities
We are located at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, nationally ranked #1 in marine science by the National Academy of Sciences. We are affiliated with the
Marine Biology
Research Division. Our laboratory is specifically equipped for the study of bioluminescence. A number of detection systems and test apparatus are available:
- Photon-counting quantum detector systems, including related electronics for digital processing of photomultiplier signals
- General data acquisition system consisting of a Data Translation 2801A hardware and Data Translation DT VEE acquisition software
- In situ instrument package, including bathyphometer for measuring stimulated bioluminescence, fluorometer for measuring phytoplankton biomass, beam transmissometer, and temperature, salinity, and depth sensors
- A dual camera imaging system for simultaneous transmitted light and bioluminescence imaging of cells, consisting of an intensified Dage/MTI low-light video camera system mounted on a Zeiss inverted microscope
- Complete analog and digital video analysis and presentation capabilities, including a video image processing system consisting of a PowerMac 7100AV computer for analysis of digitized video images
- A prototype spectrometer based on a Photometrics charge-coupled device (CCD) detector for simultaneous measurements of emission spectra and relative quantum emission
- An NIST-referenced calibration facility for radiometric calibration of detectors using an Optronics multispectral calibration source
- Pipe flow test apparatus for examining the effect of fully-developed pipe flow on bioluminescence stimulation
- 200 liter tow tank, including digitally controlled towing carrier
- Complete facilities for culturing marine phytoplankton
Latz Laboratory Facilities /