Paul S.G. Stein

Professor of Biology
Joint Professor of Physical Therapy
Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Stanford University, 1970

My Research Interests, Papers Published, Reviews Published are in the following areas:
Spinal Cord Control of Limb Movement, Scratch Reflex in Turtles, Central Pattern Generators.

I am chief editor of the 1997 book titled Neurons, Networks, and Motor Behavior, published by the MIT Press.

I participate in the following graduate programs:
Neurosciences Doctoral Program in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences,
Movement Sciences Doctoral Program,
Philosophy Neuroscience Psychology Doctoral Program.

My teaching interests are: Systems Physiology in Introductory Biology, Neuroethology, Motor Systems Neuroscience.

I have written a fact sheet about the Biology Department, Studying Biology at Washington University, that can be found on the home page for Prospective Undergraduate Biology Majors.

Office : Monsanto 212
Phone : (314) 935-6824
Fax : (314) 935-4432
Address: Department of Biology, Washington University
1 Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1137, St. Louis, Mo. 63130 USA

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