
Stem Functions:

Support of Leaf Display
Support of Flower Display
Support of Fruit Display
Conduct water and minerals up from soil
Conduct water and nutrients (sugar, amino acids) from leaf to rest of plant
Photosynthesis (in some plants, eg. cacti)
Storage of water, etc (cacti, underground stems (potato), swollen bases kohlrabi)
Anchorage especially in vines

Stem Structure/Function

Epidermis - prevents water loss with cuticle (maybe gas exchange & window for PS)
Collenchyma - plastic support during growth
Parenchyma - storage (maybe PS)
Vascular Bundle
Bundle Cap Fibers - elastic support after growth
Phloem - conducts nutrients away from leaves
(Cambium - makes secondary wood by mitosis)
Xylem - conducts water & minerals up from roots))
Pith - storage (esp water)

This page © Ross E. Koning 1994.

The MLA citation style for this page would be:
Koning, Ross E. "Stems". Plant Physiology Website. 1994. (your visit date).

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