A. Simple
1 flower, 1 pistil, 1 fruitB. Aggregate
1 flower, many pistils, 1 fused-"fruit"C. Multiple
many flowers, many pistils, 1 fused-"fruit"
A. True
ovary wall onlyB. Accessory
ovary wall plus other parts
- receptacle
- bracts
- perianth, etc.
A. Fleshy
1. Drupe - 1-seed, fleshy outer and inner stony layers2. Berry - few to many seeds
a. Hesperidium - tough rind3. Pome - fleshy accessory with cartilaginous core
b. Pepo - thick-skinned, accessoryB. Dry
1. Indehiscent [do not open]a. Achene - 1-seed, fruit coat free from seed coat2. Dehiscent [do open]b. Caryopsis (grain) - 1-seed, fruit coat fused with seed coat
c. Samara - 1-seed, fruit with winglike outgrowth
d. Nut - 1-seed, thick hard wall, surrounded by cup or husk
a. Follicle - 1 carpel splits along one side onlyb. Legume - 1 carpel splits along both sides
c. Silique - 2 carpels lose outer walls leaving septum
d. Capsule - compound pistil, splitting lengthwise or by pores
Example | Origin | Composition | Description |
Raspberry | aggregate | true | drupe |
Apple | simple | accessory | pome |
Mulberry | multiple | true | drupe |
This page © Ross E. Koning 1994.
The MLA citation style for this page would be:
Koning, Ross E. "Fruit Classification". Plant Physiology Website. 1994. http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/plants_human/fruittype.html (your visit date).
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