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Silva, P. C. & Moe, R. L.:  The Index Nominum Algarum. – Taxon 48: 351-353. 1999. – ISSN 0040-0262.

The Index Nominum Algarum (ING) is an ongoing project with the goal of producing and maintaining an index of scientific names of algae, both living and fossil, at all ranks. Initiated by Silva in 1949, it now comprises about 180,000 entries. Although it is currently in the form of a card file housed in the Herbarium of the University of California at Berkeley, it is being converted into a database that will be searchable on-line. Meanwhile, the cards, only about 10 % of which are backed by an electronic file, have been archived as digital images on compact discs. An important by-product of the INA is the Bibliographia Phycologica Universalis (BPU), which now comprises about 65,000 references. Both the INA and the BPU have been made available to the taxonomic community continuously since their inception.

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Effective publication date: May 1999