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Jenny, M., Bayer, C. & Dorr, L. J.:  Aethiocarpa reduced to Harmsia (Malvaceae, Dombeyoideae). – Taxon 48: 3-6. 1999. – ISSN 0040-0262.

The unispecific genus Aethiocarpa was distinguished from Harmsia principally on the basis of ovary and fruit structure: one-seeded, unilocular ovaries and indehiscent fruit versus two-seeded, bilocular ovaries and tardily dehiscent fruit, respectively. A critical re-examination of ovary characters, however, reveals that both genera share biovulate unilocular ovaries, which are unique within subfamily Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae). Differences in indumentum, inflorescence morphology, and number of seed per fruit, which were cited as ancillary characters distinguishing Aethiocarpa from Harmsia, do not appear to justify the recognition of two different genera. Aethiocarpa is therefore considered to be a synonym of Harmsia and the new combination H. lepidota is proposed.

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Effective publication date: 13 August 1998