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TAXON - Summaries

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Seisums, A.:  Identity and typification of Allium magicum, A. nigrum, and A. roseum (Alliaceae). – Taxon 47: 711-716. 1997. – ISSN 0400-0262.

The original concept of Allium magicum L. and A. nigrum L. is discussed, a lectotype for A. magicum is designated, and an earlier type designation of A. nigrum is rejected. Without conservation, A. magicum would become the correct name for what is currently called A. nigrum, while A. nigrum would fall into the synonymy of A. roseum L. The nomenclatural history of A. roseum is discussed and an earlier lectotypification is superseded.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 13 August 1998