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Morrison, L. A.:  Lectotypification of Triticum turgidum and T. spelta (Poaceae). – Taxon 47: 705-710. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

The protologues of Triticum turgidum L. and T. spelta L. each show uncertainty in the Linnaean concept of Triticum species but pose different problems for typification. In the case of T. turgidum, Bowden’s lectotypification by the specimen Herb. Linn. No. 104.2 (LINN), designated apparently on the basis of its Linnaean notation "turgidum 3", is in error. Both elements on that sheet are forms of T. aestivum and neither can be accepted as being part of the original material for T. turgidum. The various elements of the protologue are discussed and a Royen specimen is designated as lectotype of T. turgidum, thereby avoiding a major destabilization of Triticum nomenclature. For T. spelta, the original Linnaean concept includes T. dicoccum Schrank ex Schübler. Current usage of T. spelta is maintained by designating a Linnaean specimen of T. spelta at LINN as the lectotype.

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Effective publication date: 13 August 1998