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TAXON - Summaries

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Solomon, J. C.:  Specimen deaccessions from the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium during the tenure of Robert E. Woodson (1948-1963). – Taxon 47: 663-680. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

During the period 1948-1963, a minimum of 127,108 mounted herbarium specimens were deaccessioned from the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium under the direction of Robert E. Woodson and distributed by exchange or sale to at least 48 botanical institutions throughout the world. Some of these specimens were true duplicates, but many, including some types, were not. In addition, an unknown quantity of specimens, numbering perhaps in the tens of thousands, was discarded. A summary of the number of specimens deaccessioned, the nature of the material sent, and the recipient institutions is presented. An account is also given of the 63,853 specimens that have been returned to the Garden and reincorporated into the collection.

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Effective publication date: 13 August 1998