IAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy

TAXON - Summaries

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Moore, G.:  A comparison of traditional and phylogenetic nomenclature. – Taxon 47: 561-579. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

The traditional method of biological nomenclature and the phylogenetic nomenclature method are reviewed. Under a phylogenetic nomenclature, ranks would not be required, and names of taxa would be given definitions based on descent. The phylogenetic nomenclature method, as currently proposed, would be in conflict, not only with the Linnaean hierarchy, but also with the notion of nomenclatural types. While the phylogenetic method would increase explicitness and universality regarding the application of names, it may do so at the expense of taxonomic flexibility and circumscriptional stability of a taxon represented by a given name. Suggestions are provided on how a code of nomenclature could be designed so as to accommodate both systems.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 13 August 1998