IAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy

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Jarvis, C. E. & Turland, N. J. (ed.):  Typification of Linnaean specific and varietal names in the Compositae (Asteraceae). – Taxon 47: 347-370. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

Lectotypes, neotypes and epitypes are designated by 52 specialists for 211 previously untypified Linnaean plant names belonging to the family Compositae (Asteraceae). These newly proposed types support the current usage of the names concerned. Earlier but ineffective or supersedable type statements are discussed. A lectotype is also designated for the Linnaean combination Hieracium pyrenaicum var. austriacum (Jacq.) L., based on Crepis austriaca Jacq.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 15 May 1998