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Lado, C., Pando, F. & Rico, V. J.:  The nomenclatural status of Reticularia (myxomycetes). – Taxon 47: 109-111. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

Reticularia Bull. was validly published in 1787 or 1788 already, by means of a descriptio generico-specifica, not in (1790 or) 1791 as has been generally assumed. It is therefore an earlier homonym of Reticularia Baumg. (lichens), a name validly published in 1790 but not on the page from which it is usually cited. Reticularia alba Bull., the single included element and original type of Reticularia Bull., is a later taxonomic synonym of Mucilago crustacea, hence Reticularia Bull. is a later synonym of Mucilago.

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Effective publication date: 13 February 1998