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Ma, J. S. & Liu, Q. R.:  The present situation and prospects of plant taxonomy in China. – Taxon 47: 67-74. 1998. – ISSN 0040-0262.

Facing still unresolved taxonomic problems in many plant groups and overshadowed by recent economic and social changes, classical plant taxonomy in China is seriously threatened by the gradual loss of taxonomists and funding, not to mention the extinction of undescribed plant taxa resulting from environmental degradation at the approach of the 21st century. The status of floristic projects, taxonomic publications, and the staff and students of herbaria and botanical institutes is presented. The solution to problems limiting plant taxonomic research and floristics in China appears to be dependent primarily on supporting current co-operative projects and raising additional research funds through Chinese and international collaborative efforts.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 13 February 1998