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Stuessy, T. F., Stuckey, R. L., Boomgaarden, W. L. & Burk, W. R.:  Botanical libraries and herbaria in North America. 2. The Rudolph natural history library and its acquisition by the Ohio State University. - Taxon 46: 643-648. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

Emanuel D. Rudolph, professor of botany at the Ohio State University and his wife, Ann Waterman Rudolph, developed a large personal natural history library totalling more than 53,000 volumes. Their entire library was willed to the Ohio State University, with approximately 11,000 botanical volumes donated to the Herbarium Library. These books mostly represent subjects in biogeography, biography, cryptogamic botany (especially lichenology), economic botany, general botany, and history of botany. Prominent authors are Acharius, Amos Eaton, Almira Lincoln Phelps, Lindley, Linnaeus, Ray, Schleiden, and Alphonso Wood. Holdings extend back to the 16th century.

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Effective publication date: 13 November 1997