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Novelo Retana, A. & Philbrick, C. T.: Podostemum ricciiforme (Podostemaceae) rediscovered and redescribed. - Taxon 46: 451-455. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

Marathrum ricciiforme was originally described by Liebmann in 1847, based on scanty, sterile material collected in 1841in Puebla, Mexico, where it is now extinct. On the basis of vegetative features, the species was later transferred to Podostemum (where it indeed belongs), with a second (misidentified) sterile specimen from Costa Rica added. Fertile material was first collected in 1988, and subsequently in several other Mexican localities. The species is here fully described, illustrated, and mapped, and an epitype is designated for its name.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 15 August 1997