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TAXON - Summaries

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González-Elizondo, M. S. & Peterson, P. M.: A classification of and key to the supraspecific taxa in Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). - Taxon 46: 433-449. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

A comparison of former supraspecific classifications is made and a new, revised system is proposed for Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). Four subgenera, seven sections, eight series, and seven subseries are recognized. A key to subgenera and sections is included along with type citations, synonymies, and representative species. Two new series, E. ser. Albidae and ser. Rostellatae, are described, along with one new combination, E. sect. Baeothryon, and two transfers in rank, E. subser. Acutae and E. subser. Sulcatae.

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Effective publication date: 15 August 1997