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Bartholomew, B., Nicolson, D. H. & Nordenstam, B.:  Author citation of Thunberg's new species in Murray's Systema vegetabilium, ed. 14. - Taxon 46: 311-314. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

Carl Peter Thunberg's Flora japonica was published in August 1784, but most of Thunberg's new plant names were also published in Johan Andreas Murray's Systema vegetabilium, ed. 14 which has priority by at least two months. Recent practice has been to cite these names as "Thunb. ex Murray". However, Art. 46.2 of the Tokyo Code requires that the authorship of these names be cited as "Thunb. in Murray" when a bibliographic citation is given or as just "Thunb." when the names are used without a bibliographic citation.

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Effective publication date: 15 May 1997