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Lira, R., Caballero, J. & Dávila, P.:  A contribution to the generic delimitation of Sechium (Cucurbitaceae, Sicyinae). - Taxon 46: 269-282. 1997. - ISSN 040-0262.

The generic limits of Sechium continue to be controversial. A phenetic analysis of the species of Sechium and its allies in subtribe Sicyinae, using both palynological and macromorphological characters, was carried out. The results of the analysis basically support the taxonomic circumscription of this genus proposed by Jeffrey (1978). Both cluster and ordination analyses showed that all the species recognized by Jeffrey as pertaining to the genus Sechium, as well as others more recently described, form a well defined group constituted by 11 species and clearly separated from other taxa in the subtribe Sicyinae. The observed clustering within Sechium does not corres-pond to the two sections of the genus recognized by Jeffrey. Sechiopsis appears to be the closest relative of Sechium.

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Effective publication date: 15 May 1997