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Manickam, V. S., Irudayaraj, V. & Rajkumar, S. D.:  Colysis ×beddomei (Polypodiaceae, Pteridophyta): a new interspecific fern hybrid from India, Burma and China. - Taxon 46: 265-268. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

The new fern hybrid Colysis ×beddomei Manickam & Irudayaraj (Colysis decurrens × C. hemionitidea) is described and illustrated. It was first collected in south India by Beddome, before 1883, and was then assigned to Gymnopteris variabilis. The morphological variation of the hybrid is discussed on the basis of newly collected material from the same area and of herbarium specimens from Burma and China.

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Effective publication date: 15 May 1997