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Li, D.-Z.:  The valid publication of Acidosasa (Gramineae, Bambusoideae). - Taxon 46: 105-107. 1997. <196> ISSN 0040-0262.

The name Acidosasa was proposed by Chu & Chao in 1979 for a new monospecific genus, with A. chinensis as type, but neither name was validly published because two "type" specimens were cited for A. chinensis. In 1991, the same authors designated a lectotype for A. chinensis. Meanwhile, Keng in 1982 had fulfilled the requirements for valid publication by designating a single specimen as the type, which is the same as the later "lectotype". Thanks to Keng's early validation the nomenclatural repercussions of the original fault are minimal, with but a single species having to change its currently accepted name.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 15 February 1997