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Heijden, G. W. A. M. van der & Berg, R. G. van den:  Quantitative assessment of corolla shape variation in Solanum sect. Petota by computer image analysis. - Taxon 46: 49-64. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

Computer image analysis was used to quantify the corolla shapes of Solanum species. Three approaches were applied, using global features, a selected number of points along the contour, and complete contour descriptions, the latter in three different variants. All permit quantification of corolla shape and are in fact generally applicable in taxonomy for studying two-dimensional shapes. All image analysis methods gave comparable variation patterns: the observed variation of corolla shapes is continuous, which does not support the subdivision of S. subsect. Potatoe into two superseries on the base of corolla shape alone. The studied accession of S. tarijense (S. superser. Stellata) could not be distinguished on corolla shape from that of S. berthaultii (S. superser. Rotata).

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Effective publication date: 15 February 1997