IAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy

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De Clerck, O. & Coppejans, E.:  Notes on Dictyota vieillardii and D. adnata (Dictyotaceae, Phaeophyta). - Taxon 46: 33-36. 1997. - ISSN 0040-0262.

Post considered Dictyota adnata Zanardini to be a synonym of D. vieillardii Kütz. However, examination of the type specimen of D. vieillardii proves it does not belong to the genus Dictyota but represents the Vaughaniella stage of a Padina species. D. vieillardii var. filiformis Kütz. is also shown to represent a Vaughaniella stage. The type specimen of D. adnata could not be traced and the designation of a neotype by Coppejans is confirmed.

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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 15 February 1997