Downloading Files for Use Offline

Note. File names and directory structures are in the process of being changed to those described below. Data directories which do not yet contain files index.htm, Readme.txt, and inkdata.exe, will contain a text file with extension ‘.1st’. This file describes how to download and install the Intkey data. The file index.htm, if available, will be in the directory ‘www’.

Downloading the HTML descriptions (WWW pages) and images for use offline is best done using ftp, as most WWW browsers can only download files one by one.

The descriptions and images are available by anonymous ftp from     (directory: /pub/delta)
The file Index.txt (note the upper-case I) contains a list of the available programs and data sets. The files must be downloaded in binary mode.

There is an index file, index.htm, in each data directory. For example, /pub/delta/angio/index.htm contains the index for the angiosperm families. The HTML descriptions, if available, are in the subdirectory ‘www’ (e.g. /pub/delta/angio/www); and the illustrations are in the subdirectory ‘images’ (e.g. /pub/delta/angio/images). The directory structure relative to index.htm must be reproduced on your local computer. For example, if you place index.htm in c:\angio, then the descriptions must be placed in c:\angio\www and the images in c:\angio\images.

Intkey data files can also be installed on your local computer, and linked to the same images as the HTML descriptions. This can be done automatically by Intkey itself if you are using the Windows 95/NT version. To use ftp to install the Intkey data files, go to the appropriate directory on the ftp server (e.g. /pub/delta/angio). Download the file inkdata.exe into any directory (folder) on your computer, and run inkdata.exe. You will be prompted for the directory in which the files are to be installed (e.g. c:\angio). (If you install the WWW pages, index.htm must also be in this directory.) The images must be placed in a subdirectory ‘images’ of the data directory (e.g. c:\angio\images).