We are indebted to H.T. Clifford and B.E.S. Gunning, for unpublished data on seedlings and leaf phloem transfer cells; John G. Conran, for phytogeographical data on the Monocot families; Paul Hattersley, for access to his comprehensive collection of offprints relating to variation in photosynthetic pathways, for advice in interpreting that material, and for permission to use his fluorescence-microscopic photos of leaf sections; Jim Jarvie, for helpful comments on an early version of the Intkey package in relation to Indonesian families; Una Smith, for constructively criticising the character list in connection with some aspects of fruit structure, and for the description of Oceanopapaveraceae; Roy Halling, for the image of Colombobalanus; and Julia Rymer and Jill Hartley, for expertly scanning all the illustrations used. Nicholas Lander supplied the basis of the .TAX file for Western Australia, as well as abundant literary quotations for Compositae. Data comments in the family descriptions incorporate extensive quotations from the works listed in the file of references, especially Airy Shaw (1973) and Cronquist (1981).
We acknowledge in particular the contribution of Terry Macfarlane, for constructive comments on family descriptions and (especially since L.W.’s retirement in 1994) for seeking out, organizing and forwarding photocopies of numerous relevant references, via the library facilities of the Western Australian Herbarium. Without his efforts, and the co-operation and financial assistance of that Institution, it would have been impossible to maintain any pretence of keeping the descriptions up to date.