Highlights of biochemistry: molecular structures made visible |
UHH > Faculty of Biology > Teaching Stuff > Highlights of Biochemistry | search |
The current version of Chime (2.6 SP 6) is available for wintel-computers. It will install automatically into Netscape 4.x and Internetexplorer6. The scripts in this project will work fine with both combinations of software.
During installation of Chime Netscape6, Netscape7 and Mozilla are not recognized as browsers. Nevertheless Chime will work, if you copy the plugin-files (chime.html, chime26.isu, npchime.dll, NPCHIME.ZIP) from a Netscape 4.x-installation into the plugin-directories of the browsers. In the textframes of the scripts linebrakes may differ from Netscape 4, but all buttons will function as usual.
You may obtain Netscape 4.8 from the archive. Installation hints for other computer systems are given by Eric Martz.
Impress / 23-2-2004 / Rolf Bergmann / http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/lehre/bza/browsere.htm | search |